Chattycast 50: All Aboard the E3 Hype Train

vendredi 12 juin 2015

With mere days to go before E3 starts in earnest, the crew takes a moment from packing its bags to chat about what they expect to see out of the event. And since we industry types need a studious straight man, we bring back Dr. Games as our sounding board. All that and Chatty members attempting to get us to break embargoes are just a listen away.

As always, thank to everyone who provide topics this week: Amusatron, and Hemtroll. If you want see your name in lights, keep an eye on Chatty to suggest topics! And, special thanks to Chatty user dael for contributing music to the show, and to Bryan "Doctor Games" Carr for production assistance.

  • I want you guys each to make two predictions on the 'Cast about what E3 will reveal that hasn't been announced so far. The first prediction will be based on all the information you've already got to work with and are fairly certain will come to pass. The second prediction is your longshot, the thing you're really, really hoping will happen but have no definitive information to indicate that it will. 
  • Games like Assassin's Creed, The Witcher and Shadow of Mordor have you play a master swordsman regularly fighting a dozen enemies at a time but it doesn't always work as well as you'd want it to. What is the most enjoyable 1-vs-many sword fighting system you've seen in a game?

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Chattycast 50: All Aboard the E3 Hype Train

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