Affichage des articles dont le libellé est April Fools: Blizzards library adds BMotes. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est April Fools: Blizzards library adds BMotes. Afficher tous les articles

April Fools: Blizzard's library adds B'Motes

mercredi 1 avril 2015

Blizzard is well aware that not everyone in its user base is a social butterfly. So fortunately, they're introducing an initiative across all of its games to help make communication a little bit easier. Prepare for B'Motes!

B'Motes will find their way into all of Blizzard's biggest franchises and function in different ways. Look for new role-playing dialogue options to hit World of Warcraft, hundreds of emotes to hit Hearthstone, a new Commander Voice Pack to hit Heroes of the Storm, and so on. Some may say ideas like literally having your words translated into a character's speech pattern is impossible. And… those people are probably right. Or are they?

Check out everything you need to know about B'Motes on and improve your communication today.

April Fools: Blizzard's library adds B'Motes
