Bloodborne's patch finally reduces loading screen times

jeudi 23 avril 2015

The long-awaited Bloodborne patch Sony promised would reduce load times has been released as patch 1.03 is now available for your downloading pleasure.

Bloodborne’s 1.03 patch is said to reduce load times from anywhere between 5 to 15 seconds and will make each loading screen a lot more informative as they’ll have descriptions for items. This, of course, replaces the Bloodborne logo, which we’re sure we’re all sick of staring at by now.

Other improvements include fixes for certain lifts and elevators, certain bosses, and advancing in multi-play sessions. Bloodborne also better supports the PlayStation 4’s Suspend / Resume mode as the game will return to the main title screen when resuming play. This is a much better alternative to launching back into the game and being met with a matchmaking issue due to losing your connection with its servers.

The 1.03 patch for Bloodborne is now available to download, and if you need some assistance, why not check out our guides that help summoning co-op and PvP hunters or knowing what exactly to expect from each boss battle.

Bloodborne's patch finally reduces loading screen times

1 commentaires:

replicaver a dit…

It’s so nice of you, Dear, to create and share thoughts like those in this article! I almost feel like spreading your thoughts on Bloodborne's patch among our fellows whose habits include visiting our website once in a while. Thanks to you!

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