Green Day Rock Band cannot be exported to Rock Band 3 after April 30

mercredi 22 avril 2015

This year is shaping up to be the return of the music game, with both Rock Band and Guitar Hero set to make their returns. The former is looking to allow users to bring aboard all of their Rock Band DLC, but on-disc are something of a hairier issue. In fact, due to licensing issues, time is running out for one of those on-disc libraries: Green Day Rock Band.

Harmonix notes that the export offer for Green Day Rock Band is officially set to expire on April 30. After this point, that game's track list will no longer be available for download, barring any sudden changes. You can find a full list of those tracks here. Rock Band 3's Green Day DLC will not be affected by this licensing lapse.

"If you have not exported GDRB in the last 5 years and you would like those songs in your main RB library, you should export as soon as possible," Harmonix community development manager Aaron Trites advises on the Rock Band forums. "If you're unable to export, or if you're looking for a way to get these songs after April 30th, several Green Day DLC albums, packs, and singles will still be available so you'll still be able to recreate the setlist that way."

As a reminder, the export fee will run for $10.

Rock Band 4 is set to release on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later this year.

Green Day Rock Band cannot be exported to Rock Band 3 after April 30

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