Smash Bros Dev Criticizes Industry DLC Practices as a "Scam"

vendredi 24 avril 2015

“It’s all about making the players happy.” Is the headline for Famitsu’s latest interview with Smash Bros developer Masahiro Sakurai. The interview, which was translated by Source Gaming, was quite lengthy, but Sakurai touched on various points concerning DLC, outside of Nintendo and Super Smash Bros.

“These days the “DLC Scam” has become quite the epidemic,” Sakurai went on to say. “Charging customers extra money to complete what was essentially an unfinished game.”

This argument of course, isn’t a direct attack against post-release content, it however, does stand hard against the practice of taking content from the original game and locking it behind DLC paywalls. As the article goes on Sakurai even states that it is “the easiest way to make money”. That hasn’t changed how things work behind closed doors at the Smash Bros developer’s office, though, as Sakurai made it clear that “the DLC we are releasing for Sm4sh is authentic, developed only after we finished working on the main game.”

I think we can all agree that DLC has become a bit of a problem in recent years for gamers, with triple-A games finding themselves being cut, and hacked to pieces by developers before release. It has also become a growing trend for games everywhere to announce DLC before the main game even launches. It’s nice to see that someone in the industry actually gets it, and that they are practicing what they preach, however, we can’t help but think that it might be too late for developers to change from their ways.

Smash Bros Dev Criticizes Industry DLC Practices as a "Scam"

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