Gears of Wars team re-brand themselves to The Coalition

mercredi 3 juin 2015

Black Tusk Studios, the Vancouver-based team working on the Gears of War franchise, announced that the studio will no longer continue under that name, but will now be known as The Coalition. Fans will identify the new moniker relates to the Coalition of Ordered Governments (COG) from the brutal third-person shooters.

On Xbox Wire, former head of Black Tusk Studios Rod Ferguson said, “When people hear 343 Industries, they associate it with Halo; when they hear Turn 10 Studios, they know that’s who makes Forza. Moving forward, when you hear The Coalition, we want you to think of Gears of War.”

The announcement still leaves fans waiting for more news on Gears of War 4 at this year’s E3, following video that was leaked (and since pulled) a few weeks ago.

Gears of Wars team re-brand themselves to The Coalition

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