Skullgirls Encore smells what Beowulf is cooking today on PS3

vendredi 17 avril 2015

Skullgirls Encore has had a rich roster of femme fatales do battle for several years. But now, Lab Zero's fighter is about to get a major shakeup in the form of a rare (but not the first) male character. It's the charismatic titan, Beowulf, who brings the glamorous world of professional wrestling to the Skullgirls arena.

In true pro wrestling tradition, Beowulf brings along with him a trusty steel chair, which he calls "The Hurting." Beowulf unleashes a full arsenal of wrestling moves that wrestling fans of all stripes can appreciate! Running bulldog! Big splash! Canadian Destroyer! Brother! He even offers up some classic taunts, like Hulk Hogan's ear cup. And yes, Beowulf can string all of these moves into hard-hitting combos.

Beowulf makes his debut today on PlayStation 3 today and will be available for free for a limited time. Meanwhile, PS4 and Vita owners are still in line to get their own remastered version of Skullgirls, which will now be titled Skullgirls: 2nd Encore. Lab Zero has confirmed that this new version will offer cross-buy and cross-play, so PS4, PS3, and Vita players can all engage in online multiplayer. Unfortunately, the game will not be compatible with the original Skullgirls Encore, so current PS3 owners will have to offer a little more to make the upgrade.

For more on Beowulf, check out the video below.

Skullgirls Encore smells what Beowulf is cooking today on PS3

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