Shacknews Live: Dirty Bomb with Splash Damage

vendredi 29 mai 2015

Dirty Bomb is entering its open beta on June 2, but today, you’re in for a special treat as a number of us are going to participate in a livestream starting at 9am PT / 12pm ET. In addition to some members of the Shacknews editorial and video team taking out their secret aggression against one another, we’ll be joined with some of the developers from Splash Damage, who you may already know is the studio behind Dirty Bomb.

While you watch the shenanigans take place on our Twitch stream, Dirty Bomb’s community manager Miss Murder will be dropping in to give away some Merc Starter Packs. The Merc Starter pack offers five full-time mercs, 35,000 in-game credits, and immediate access to the game. If you’re the lucky recipient of one of these Merc Starter packs, you can start playing Dirty Bomb without having to wait for its open beta to launch.

Feel free to take some time off from work to watch us play Dirty Bomb. Don't worry - we already told your boss you're taking an extended lunch today. He's totally cool with it.

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Shacknews Live: Dirty Bomb with Splash Damage

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