Shack Reels: Indie Shout-out - Affordable Space Adventures

jeudi 9 avril 2015

Do you have a Wii U? Are you looking for a reason to smash your controller over your best friend’s head? Are you into gorgeously rendered indie games? If you answered yes to any of the above, then we just might have the solution. This week’s Indie Shout-out, Andrew dives deep into the beautiful world of Affordable Space Adventures. Of course, we could go on and on about how amazing this game is, but we all know you’re really just here to hear him whisper softly in your ears. Check out the video below.

Any ideas on what games you’d like to see talked about on Indie Shout-out? Leave us a comment, and who knows, maybe that Andrew guy will agree with you and talk about it.

Shack Reels: Indie Shout-out - Affordable Space Adventures

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