Super Smash Bros. adds Mewtwo for early access, community gathers patch notes

mercredi 15 avril 2015

Today is a big day for anyone that purchased Super Smash Bros. on both Wii U and 3DS. Nintendo has sent out DLC codes to pick up Pokemon's genetic wonder, the marvelous Mewtwo! Along with his arrival comes the games' version 1.06 patch. Of course, Nintendo being Nintendo, they have once again decided not to include patch notes. That leaves the Smash Bros. community scrambling to try and pick up the slack, offering their own makeshift patch notes.

While Nintendo's official update states that the game has received sharing functionality and tweaked balance changes, they have not specified what any of those changes actually are. With that said, the following comes from the Smash Boards website:


  • Hitting A and B produces Smash attacks

  • Tilting the Analog stick no longer produces tilts, but results in Smash attacks

  • Lylat Cruise edges have been changed to "slope" recoveries


  • Up Throw damage increased to 11% from 8%

  • Flare Blitz self-damage increased to 5% from 4%

Diddy Kong

  • Up Air damage reduced to 8% from 6%

  • Forward Air damage reduced to 8-10% from 10-12%

  • Up Throw damage reduced to 8% from 10%

  • Down Throw damage reduced to 6% from 7%


  • Jab damage increased to 7-10% from 6-9%


  • Down Throw's damage has been increased to 10% from 6%

  • Inhale works faster


  • Forward Air, Forward Smash, Second-hit Down Smash, and uncharged Shieldbreaker damage increased by 0.5%

  • Fully-charged Shieldbreaker damage increased by ~1%


  • Grab has slightly faster animation


  • Up Throw's knockback has been reduced


  • Back Air damage reduced to 7% from 10%


  • Back Throw's knockback has been reduced

Mii - Swordfighter

  • Down Tilt damage increased to 8% from 6%

  • Neutral Air damage increased to 8% from 5%

This should not be considered a complete list of changes, as the Smash Boards members are diligently working to determine changes to other characters. This page will be updated to reflect their findings, so stay tuned.

Super Smash Bros. adds Mewtwo for early access, community gathers patch notes

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