Battlefield honors its vets with Hardline Veteran Pack

jeudi 19 février 2015

The Battlefield Hardline beta came and went with over six million players served, and while this may be the first Battlefield game many will experience, Hardline won’t be some players’ first rodeo with the Battlefield series. EA and DICE know this, which is why they’re offering incentives if you’re considered a Battlefield veteran.

Owners of Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, or Battlefield 4 will be able to receive an exclusive Veteran’s Pack if they decide to purchase Battlefield Hardline. The Veteran’s Pack includes the following perks:

  • One in-game Veteran’s Patch

  • One 200% Objective Boost (active for 30 minutes once activated)

  • One 200% Teamplay Boost (active for 30 minutes once activated)

Redeeming the Veteran’s Pack is done through Origin as you’ll need to have registered a copy of either of the previously mentioned Battlefield games through EA’s online service. If you already have one of them registered, then you’ll automatically receive the pack starting from the first time you log into Hardline. If you register any of these games after you purchase Hardline, you’ll still be able to receive a Veteran’s Pack.

Battlefield honors its vets with Hardline Veteran Pack

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