Batman: Arkham Knight live-action video has us channeling our inner Batman

jeudi 21 mai 2015

A live-action video for Batman: Arkham Knight has been released by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment today that shows everyday people channeling their inner Batman across a variety of situations.

The Be The Batman video shows these people being determined, courageous, and fearless, which are some very important qualities Batman himself possesses. All of which he’s going to need when Batman: Arkham Knight releases on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 on June 23.

While we’re not big fans of pre-rendered CGI trailers, we’re not as harsh on live-action videos considering they’re a completely different thing altogether. They’re meant to help hype a game even further, and they also look pretty damn good during a commercial. Gameplay might mean everything to us, but the general population may not. Fortunately for us, there's a bit of gameplay and in-game sequences squeezed in at the end of this video.

Batman: Arkham Knight live-action video has us channeling our inner Batman

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