Lego Dimensions will include new packs from DC Comics, Back to the Future, and more

mercredi 20 mai 2015

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and TT Games have announced additional expansion packs for Lego Dimensions will become available throughout the first half of 2016 from a number of previously-announced brands, including Lego minifigures of The Joker, Harley Quinn, Superman, Aquaman, Bane, Doc Brown, Sensei Wu and Lloyd.

The new Team Packs and Fun Packs will provide new buildable characters, vehicles, tools, and gadgets as well as offering special in-game abilities. These packs will be allowed to be used anywhere throughout the game, in any world, and with any character. This is certainly a step up from the extreme limitations Disney Infinity players have been feeling when attempting to play a character that doesn’t below to a particular Play Set.

A total of seven characters, vehicles and weapons can be brought into a Lego Dimensions game at once simply by placing them on the Lego Toy Pad. This means you can mix and match a variation of characters and equipment, such as having Lego Doc Brown fighting alongside the likes of Lego Bane and Lego Superman. Or maybe even The Simpsons entering the world of Portal.

Speaking of Doc Brown, WBIE is also announcing Christopher Lloyd is reprising his role as the iconic character in Lego Dimensions. This announcement is made even more epic thanks to the release of the following trailer, which not only includes Lloyd, but also some new gameplay video.

Lego Dimensions will include new packs from DC Comics, Back to the Future, and more

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