Rumor: Gears of War and Dishonored get 'Ultimate' and 'Definitive' editions

lundi 11 mai 2015

Both Gears of War: Ultimate Edition and Dishonored: Definitive Edition have possibly been outed, according to listings discovered on the Brazilian Advisory Rating System website.

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition is supposedly being handled by Splash Damage, best known for their previous games Brink and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. We think it’d be safe to assume the Ultimate Edition of Gears of War is planned to be released on the Xbox One considering how many remakes and HD editions of last-gen games have been released this console generation.

As for Dishonored: Definitive Edition, the title has been submitted for classification by Bethesda and is expected to be released some time this year. Dishonored was originally released on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC back in 2012 and received a Game of the Year edition in 2013, which included all previously-released DLC. We also assume this listing would be for current-gen systems.

Earlier this year, the Gears of War trilogy made its way to our list of highly-anticipated HD remakes to launch in 2015. With the listing of Gears of War: Ultimate Edition on the Brazilian Advisory Rating System, we’re at least one step closer to getting what we wanted from that list. Dishonored, though? Well, I guess we’ll take it.

Rumor: Gears of War and Dishonored get 'Ultimate' and 'Definitive' editions

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