Street Fighter 5 has no choice but to welcome M. Bison

mardi 19 mai 2015

Capcom has been slowly revealing who we can expect to make an appearance in its upcoming Street Fighter 5. So far, we know Ryu, Chun-Li, and Charlie Nash will be playable fighters, and today, Capcom has announced the Dictator himself, M. Bison, will be entering the ring.

M. Bison, as you can see from the new trailer, seems a little more weathered than he was in Street Fighter 4 now that he’s sporting some grey hair under his hat. But Capcom has taken some liberties with his play style, such as covering his opponents in psycho energy when he connects with his punches. Bison’s long-range slide also looks to have changed a bit as opponents will now allow for juggling opportunities as well as what appears to be a short-range psycho orb.

Another drastic change that appears to have been made is Bison’s Ultra is now his Psycho Crusher attack. At this point, we don’t know if Capcom has completely nixed his standard Psycho Crusher in favor of making it exclusively his Ultra or if the developer just made a more powerful version of the attack his Ultra. We guess we’ll see what the case is when Capcom is ready to reveal more about M. Bison in the coming months.

[Via IGN]

Street Fighter 5 has no choice but to welcome M. Bison

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