Shack Reels: How To Solve Dragon Age: Inquisition's Jaws of Hakkon Astrarium

vendredi 27 mars 2015

Dragon Age: Inquisition’s first piece of downloadable content was released this week. While we were working on our review of it, which can be found here, we thought we’d help those who are having trouble solving the DLC’s astrariums.

Our video not only shows you where the astrarium can be found, but, of course, how to solve them. There are a total of three different astrariums to complete in Jaws of Hakkon, and they’re pretty tough, although they were no match to our expert-puzzle skills.

So if you need help, feel free to watch our video below. Also, feel free to check out our review.

Shack Reels: How To Solve Dragon Age: Inquisition's Jaws of Hakkon Astrarium

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