Telltale's Game of Thrones episode 3 releases this week

lundi 23 mars 2015

Telltale Games has been on a steady release schedule for Game of Thrones, helping build some anticipation for the next season of the HBO hit series. Telltale's episodic series is about to hit the halfway point when the third episode releases later this week. A new trailer should help sate Game of Thrones fans until that big day arrives.

The third episode, titled "The Sword in the Darkness," is set to release on PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 3 tomorrow. Xbox One and Xbox 360 owners will get it on Wednesday, March 25, while iOS and Android users will get it this coming Thursday. The episode will see Asher, the exile, search for an army in Mereen to face the Whitehills. Meanwhile, Mira must try and negotiate for her family's protection by dealing with the treachery of King's Landing. Over in Ironrath, Gryff Whitehill is leading the increase in violence during the Whitehill occupation. And over at the Wall, Gared learns how to help keep his house alive, but will pay a great cost to do so.

For more, check out the trailer below.

Telltale's Game of Thrones episode 3 releases this week

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