WildStar details upcoming INVASION: Nexus update

jeudi 12 mars 2015

After regrouping for the latter part of 2014, Carbine Studios is back and ready to bring the WildStar fury. The MMORPG's next big update is set to release soon and Carbine creative director Chad Moore is now revealing more details about INVASION: Nexus.

One of the primary additions of the INVASION: Nexus update is Contracts, which offer short, single-objective jobs for those that can only log in for a brief period. These missions will come in three difficulty levels, allowing players to progress towards better rewards without a demanding time investment. Players on the go will also want to change clothes quickly, so the new update will toss in the Holo-Wardrobe feature that allows characters to switch outfits at any time.

Look for new mission content to hit, as well. Initialization Core Y-83 is WildStar's latest 20-person raid, where parties must breach an Eldan facility that's pumped out a techno-phage virus. With the virus turning every AI on Nexus into mindless zombies, parties can get overwhelmed quickly if they don't work together. Meanwhile, the Bay of Betrayal will add to the game's Adventure, taking players to an alternate Levian Bay. The idea will be to deal with Ascendancy leader Califor Antevian by cracking his inner circle before taking him out, for good.

Finally, PvP will be updated to allow factions to fight each other. So rather than the usual Exiles vs. Dominion, teams of Exiles can fight teams of Exiles, while Dominion can fight against Dominion.

INVASION: Nexus is available on WildStar's PTR servers, with the update set to hit for all users soon. For more, check out the full patch summary and class updates.

WildStar details upcoming INVASION: Nexus update

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